
[森佐.梅伊瓦 南非足球明星谋杀案 Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star][全05集][英语无字][MKV][720P/10

[森佐.梅伊瓦 南非足球明星谋杀案 Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star][全05集][英语无字][MKV][720P/10

  • 版本:高清完整版
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    [森佐.梅伊瓦 南非足球明星谋杀案 Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star][全05集][英语无字][MKV][720P/10自万微乎其微象更新高自大22. 或许只有在孤独中,我们才能够静静地默默地谛听,谛听这个灯火阑珊的城市,谛听城市之外的旷野远山,和比远山更远的一切生生不息的律动,同时也谛听自己生命的足音以及深邃的内心。(励志名言)或许在孤独中,我们才能强烈意识到生命荣枯兴衰的不朽轮回,从而坦然应对到来的一切。人生旅途中孤独是必然的,在真正的孤独中我们才能不断地成长。get along with 与……相处融洽315.宜未雨而绸缪,毋临渴而掘井。《朱子家训》

    悠悠MP4_MP4电影下载_[森佐.梅伊瓦 南非足球明星谋杀案 Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star][全05集][英语无字][MKV][720P/10

    ◎片  名 Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star
    ◎年  代 2022
    ◎产  地 南非
    ◎类  别 纪录片
    ◎语  言 英语
    ◎上映日期 2022-04-07(南非)
    ◎豆瓣评分 /10 from 0 users
    ◎豆瓣链接 https://douban.com/subject/35840297/

    ◎简  介

    Senzo Meyiwa, beloved captain of the South African national soccer team, was shot and killed in his girlfriend pop singer Kelly Khumalo's mother's house. There were 6 eyewitnesses at the scene, including some of his closest friends. Yet it is only now, nearly 8 years later, that the suspects - hitmen for hire - are being charged. Who and why ordered this killing remain open questions. Did the hitmen even do it or was it a cover-up for something more sinister? With the backing and participation of Senzo's family, and access to investigators and key witnesses, Senzo: Murder of a Soccer Star aims to unpack the truth behind this high-profile murder.
    这部由五部分组成的惊心动魄的真实犯罪纪录片系列深入探讨了这位心爱的足球明星的谋杀案,分享了对在 2014 年 Meyiwa 在据称是一起拙劣的抢劫案中被枪杀的那个决定性的夜晚所发生的事情的见解。




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